Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 2

Finally, a little sun. It's been a while. It was mostly sunny this morning. Now, at about 1:30 p.m., it's become a bit hazy, but you can still see the sun. As I was shoveling this morning, there was a fairly strong wind out of the north at maybe 10-15 mph. It was a little cooler than yesterday, in the low teens in the morning and now in the mid teens.
During a break from shoveling, I got to talking to my neighbor. In addition to telling me that I needed a snowblower, he also mentioned this winter reminded him a bit of the winter of 1974. That doesn't mean a lot to me, but apparently what he meant was that we were getting these fairly frequent, small snowfalls, similar to the winter 37 years ago. Having much less history to base my comparisons, I would have to say this reminds me of the winter last year. I swear we got frequent, small snowfalls then too.
Again with the wind out of the north, I'll go ahead and say that tomorrow will be cooler than today. Soon, I hope to have more information on which to base my prognostication.

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